اسم الشركة Ministry Of Foreign Affairs
رابط الشركة موقع الشركة
وصف الشركة In 1969 the decree law No 11 for 1969 on the establishment of a department for foreign affairs was issued. In 1970 the sections of the department were set up by the decision No 8 for 1970. In 1971 a law to establish the ministry of foreign affairs in which the department of foreign affairs was to be incorporated was issued. It was followed by the issue of law No 26 in December 1971 on the diplomatic and consular corps system, and on designating the diplomatic missions to include embassies, commissions, consulates and the offices of the permanent delegation of the State of Qatar abroad. The laws organizing the ministry of foreign affairs, assigning its functions and outlining its organizational chart followed in succession. A law in 1976 and the law No 13 for 1993 were issued to organize the ministry of foreign affairs. In light of the developments taking place on the international arena, a new law was issued to define the functions of the ministry of foreign affairs as follows: Highlight the State of Qatar, its values and polices, while defending the country’s interests abroad. Draft and propose Qatar’s foreign policy to H.H. the Emir for approval. Propose foreign policy plans and work to implement them in coordination with concerned agencies in the state. Organizes the diplomatic and consular representation with Arab and foreign countries and regional and international organizations. Establish contacts and conduct talks in preparation to conclude the agreements and conventions; and take the required actions with regard to their conclusion, implementation and supervision. Protect and represent the interests of Qatar and its people abroad. Conduct contacts with the Qatari ministries and authorities, foreign governments and their diplomatic missions and the regional and international organizations.
عنوان الشركة Address:,Almirqab,Tower,,Ambassador,Street,,West,Bay,,Doha
الهاتف Phone : 40111717
البريد الاكتروني Email : [email protected]
المدينة الدوحة
القسم مواقع و منتديات قطرية
الزيارات: 2810
التقييم: 0
المقيّمين: 0
تاريخ الإضافة: 30/1/2018
الموقع في جوجل: الصفحات - مرتبط بالموقع