اسم الشركة Aljabor Cement Industries Co - Holcim
رابط الشركة موقع الشركة
وصف الشركة Grinding Station with annual capacity of 900,00 tons (2 grinding mills). AJCI supplies OPC, SRC, GGBFS, Masonry Cement and composite cements incorporating products such as Slag, Fly Ash and Micro Silica in its dedicated blending facility. Holcim has a 25% stake, remaining 75% belonging to AI Jabor Holdings. Holcim is one of the world’s leading building materials companies and has a presence on all continents. With its solutions based on innovative products and services and a commitment to sustainable construction, Holcim is contributing to the success of its customers around the world – as a trusted partner for more than 100 years.
عنوان الشركة Address:,1st,floor,,Al,Jabor,Group,Holdings,Building,,C,Ring,Road, PO,Box:,4694,,Al,Mansoura,,Doha
الهاتف Fax Number : 44372041 Phone : 44434445
البريد الاكتروني Email : [email protected]
المدينة الدوحة
القسم شركات المقاولات
الزيارات: 3851
التقييم: 0
المقيّمين: 0
تاريخ الإضافة: 10/3/2018
الموقع في جوجل: الصفحات - مرتبط بالموقع