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دليل الشركات القطرية
دليل كامل و شامل لشركات القطرية و المواقع الإبداعية التي تساعد الجميع في اعمالهم

شركة أعمال للإنارة مبتكرة INNOVATIVE LIGHTING - AAMAL COMPANY Q S C

اسم الشركة شركة أعمال للإنارة مبتكرة INNOVATIVE LIGHTING - AAMAL COMPANY Q S C

رابط الشركة موقع الشركة

وصف الشركة Innovative Lighting "QLEDs", is the first LED Company in Qatar, specialized in trading and distribution of LED (light emitting diode) and other lighting products (indoor, outdoor and façade) for the Qatari market and the MENA region. QLEDs was established in 2012, as a subsidiary of Aamal Company Q.S.C., one of the largest diversified companies in the region and in partnership with a Korean Company, C&C Lightway, one of Korea's leading companies for theatrical, broadcasting and architectural lighting for more than three decades. With the strong technical know-how and support of our partners, QLEDs will strengthen its leading market position in the region by offering the highest quality of products and services, covering the entire lighting market from consumer to professional, from manufacturing to distribution and from engineering/design to installation. QLEDs will distribute world top brand names of the theatrical lighting companies as well as engineering and installation services for professional lighting market. Through our professional staff, dynamic adaptation to the newest trends and guaranteed high quality products and services, we are condent that QLEDs will be the preferred partner for green technology solutions.

عنوان الشركة Innovative,Lighting, P.O,Box,:,22477 Aamal,Tower,,2nd,Floor West,Bay, Doha,-,Qatar

الهاتف +974 4422 3888 Fax : +974 4417 5559

البريد الاكتروني [email protected]

المدينة الدوحة

القسم شركات المعدات

الزيارات: 5895

التقييم: 0

المقيّمين: 0

تاريخ الإضافة: 11/7/2019

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الموقع في جوجل: الصفحات - مرتبط بالموقع

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